News & media News 12 Ways to share a smile 1 October 2015 Oral health charity, the British Dental Health Foundation, is asking you to forget the poor weather, terrible traffic, bad service and all of life's other annoyances and really find something to smile about. A simple smile can be the most powerful tool at our disposal... and we all have one. It can improve our mood, increase our self-esteem and it is also highly infectious! So to spread a little happiness for World Smile Day (2 October 2015) the British Dental Health Foundation has put together a short list of sure-fire things to truly put a smile on your face. 1. Call a friend Our friends have the ability to bring a smile to our faces every time we see them. It could be someone you see every day or haven't seen for years. Ask them "what's the funniest thing you have heard today?" 2. Listen to your favourite song Turn it up and dance like no one is watching, sing at the top of your voice. You don't need to sound like Beyoncé, in fact if you're awful all the better; it will make others smile. 3. Look back at some old photographs Memories often evoke powerful emotions and the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words rings true, remember good times and relive them. Or look through with friends to bring you even closer. 4. Do something nice for someone else World Smile Day is all about spreading happiness, doing a little something for someone else can help do just that. It does not need to be much, perhaps breakfast in bed for a loved one. 5. Take a break A bit of me time to slow down and take stock, grab a coffee and a deep breath of fresh air. 6. Cook Cooking for many of us here at the foundation offers a great way to unwind and be creative. Whip up your favourite meal and share it with someone close. Make it healthy though! 7. Dress up It does not have to be for anything in particular, just for you. Throw on your glad rags and make yourself feel great. Or combine it with the tip above and make an evening of it. 8. Go for a walk Fresh air and exercise are known to help alleviate stress. So why not stretch your legs and get a lung full. 9. Random act of kindness Give a stranger a complement, buy someone some flowers or just hold the door for someone. Sharing a smile with someone may be a gateway to a new friendship or may just give someone a smile which they can pass onto someone else. 10. Search Twitter for a #smile Social media gets a bad press for being an unforgiving place but there are a lot of fantastic people out there more than happy to share a #smile with you. Go on see what happens; share your #smile to share the happiness. 11. Do something for charity What better way to bring a smile to someone than to do something for a good cause. Charities do great work selflessly helping people every day, they need your support to spread their messages and help even more people. 12. Make a family member smile Our families are there to rely on when we need them, it is said friends come and go but families are forever. Show them you care is some way to bring you together. If all else fails take a look at these adorable puppies, go on have a look we'll wait a minute for you....See how could that not raise a smile? Share your #smiles with us here at @dentalhealthorg Happy world smile day all and remember to look after that beautiful smile by following our key messages for a healthy mouth. Brush your teeth last thing at night and at least one other time during the day, with a fluoride toothpaste. Cut down on how often you have sugary foods and drinks. Visit your dentist regularly, as often as they recommend. Manage Cookie Preferences