National Smile Month

Between 12 May and 12 June 2025, the Oral Health Foundation will raise awareness of important oral health issues.

Join the nation's biggest oral health campaign and help bring a smile to millions of people.

Find out more Take part

Our 2025 theme will be announced soon.

Everybody deserves great oral health. This vision is at the heart of everything we do.

As an entirely self-funded charity, we rely on your generous support to help us achieve this.

Every donation we receive goes directly towards improving people’s quality of life through better oral health. Every penny helps support our campaigns, programmes and charitable work.

Tackling unfair inequalities

Despite the vast improvements in oral health over the last 40 years, inequalities continue to be a burden for countless groups.

The elderly, those on lower incomes or in areas of low social economic status, people with educational barriers or learning difficulties, those with reduced mobility, physical or mental disabilities and the homeless are all more likely to suffer from chronic ill-health.

Improving childhood oral health

Around a quarter of all 5-years-old have tooth decay. It is the number one reason why children are admitted to hospital for a general anaesthetic.

We are passionate about providing free educational programmes for teachers, parents and carers, so that children can have the very best platform for a healthier mouth.

By making a donation you will help give somebody back their smile

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